You might be asking and wondering what will the increase in interest rates and the wild ride on the stock market do to our market? In checking with my experts the last few days, the vote seems to be out as to what major impact if any it all will have. I personally think it will impact the “marginal” buyers, but that will be the extent of it, but obviously we will have to wait and see. So other than dealing with the “joys” of the construction projects on the 405, Sepulveda and Sunset which will last about another year (OUCH!) what is the difference in the real estate activity in the Mountaingate this past quarter vs. the same period of time last year? The lack of inventory is also impacting Mountaingate. Currently there are seven homes available for sale vs. ten last year. Currently as was last year, there are two homes in escrow. As for closed escrows, we have had four escrows close, (one of which was the tenant purchasing the home they were leasing, but three of the four were private sales, vs. five last year. Currently there are two homes available for lease vs. three last year, and one was leased this past quarter, vs. three for the same time period last year.