You might be asking and wondering what will the increase in interest rates and the wild ride on the stock market do to our market? In checking with my experts the last few days, the vote seems to be out as to what major impact if any it all will have. I personally think it will impact the “marginal” buyers, but that will be the extent of it, but obviously we will have to wait and see. So other than dealing with the “joys” of the construction projects on the 405, Sepulveda and Sunset which will last about another year (OUCH!) what is the difference in the real estate activity on Moraga Drive this past quarter vs. the same period of time last year? Given, the general lack of inventory we are experiencing all over, the numbers for the past quarter are interesting in that there has been more activity on the street this past than last. Currently there are two homes available for sale vs. none last year. At present, the only open escrow is the World famous Moraga Vineyards. If you saw the recent article in the LA Times about the sale of the Vineyards, the buyer, Rupert Murdoch needs a license the approval for a Type 02 wine growers license before the transaction can close. Generally this takes about 45 – 90 days to obtain. As for closed escrows, the numbers are the same for both year; none, the same holds true for the number of homes available for lease and that have been leased; none.