From a real estate perspective, it has been a very active year in Brentwood.
In looking back at my bi- monthly Schiffer Line, you will have seen that we have been busy selling homes in Brentwood and the prices have followed along with the amount of activity. In comparing 2014 to 2015, there were 6 closed escrows in the part of Brentwood I report on (Sepulveda west through Bundy, north of Sunset), vs. 16 in 2015, one of which was a private sale. As a direct comparison between the 4th quarter of 2104 vs. 2015, there were 2 homes for sale vs. the one currently listed for sale, currently there are two homes in escrow, vs. one the last quarter in 2014, and again as a confirmation of the increased sales this year vs. last year, there were 3 closed escrows vs. one last year.
Please let me know how I can assist you with any and all of your real estate needs, and once again I invite you to please visit my Facebook page