Dear Bel Air Park Neighbor:
From an overall perspective, there is not much change in real estate activity between the third quarter of 2016 and that of the third quarter of 2017 in Bel Air Park. Interesting enough the numbers are almost the same. Currently there are two homes for sale, which is the same number as last year. There is 1 home in escrow, vs. none last year, and there was the same number of closed escrows each year – 2. The same basically holds true for the homes that are available for lease: 2 each year, and there were 2 homes leased both years. Equally, the prices are basically holding their own as well. No extra ordinary spikes or any huge drops either. Basically, it is a good solid market. What we are seeing is the large number of remodeling and/or rebuilding in the community, which is a great example of the stability and desirability of the community.
Please let me know how I can be of assistance is marketing your home for sale or lease as well as finding a new home for you and your family. I am here to assist you with all your real estate needs anywhere on the planet!