From a real estate perspective, how are we doing?
Thus far it has been a bit lopsided. We have had more Custom homes on the market than Canyon and they have been sitting on the market for a much longer period of time. Currently there are two Canyon homes for sale, and four Custom, (one of which is being sold as a private sale). The breakout of numbers for this time period last year was similar with 5 Custom homes for sale. As for homes in escrow, currently we have 3 Custom homes in escrow, with no Canyon vs. none in’15. For each year, there was 1 Canyon home that closed escrow and no Customs. There are a number of homes available for lease (7), 1 Canyon and 6 Custom, vs. 4 last year with 1 Canyon, and 3 Custom. We have had 2 homes leased, 1 Canyon and the other Custom, vs. 2 last year, both of which were Custom. So what does this say about our wonderful community, we appear to be caught in some kind of transitional market… Buyers are very knowledgeable and aware of value, and if they see property that is good value as they judge it to be, they will ”snap” it up, but if it is “off” in any way, it will just sit there until there is a price correction. Then it will sell. I have seen it happen more times than I can tell you. Click here to see the Quarterly Report.
We have some fun and exciting events coming up in the community, and I hope you mark your calendars so that you can join us: the 1st Annual BAC Car & Coffee Show (date to be determined)…, Saturday 10 September – BAC Movie Night, – Sunday 12 October BAC – BBQ. You will be getting more information.. Hope to see you all there!
Please let me know how I might assist you with any of your real estate needs. Remember you can Count on Carole!