3rd Quarter Updates
What Is Happening Specifically in Bel Air Crest
First of all, it was great seeing all of you at our BBQ last week end, and thank you to the donors and bidders at our live auction to raise money for gym improvements. We raised over $5,300! Thank you again! It has been an interesting year for real estate in Bel Air Crest. At the moment, we have one Canyon home for sale, vs. three for the same time period last year, and seven Custom homes for sale vs. six last year. We currently have four homes in escrow, 2 Canyon and 2 Custom vs. three last year, (two Canyon and one Custom). There have been no closed escrows this past quarter vs. three last year, we have one home for lease vs. three last year and none leased this quarter either year. All in all, we are holding our own!